C.M. "Memo" Kosemen
Memo is my friend and artistic collaborator. He has many crazy projects involving all sorts of crazy stuff. He's a creative powerhouse.

Darren Naish
My friend and collaborator (Dr.) Darren Naish. Darren is a Twitter celebrity, TV personality, film enthusiast, and full-time toy collector. If there's anyone in the world that knows more about animals, I'm a monkey's ape.

Scott Hartman
(Dr.) Scott Hartman is a scientist and artist that makes the skeletal reconstructions I rely on for most of my dinosaur work. His work is also in my book All Yesterdays.

Mark Witton
My friend and nemesis, (Dr.) Mark Witton. Some say he is the bizarro John Conway. Others, that I am the bizarro Mark Witton. Still others say we are the same person. But we're our own, totally different people, dammit!

It may be difficult to imagine that Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week could be even more exciting than its name suggests, but somehow (Dr.s) Mike Taylor and Matt Wedel make it so.

Simon Stålenhag
Simon Stålenhag paints alien technology in 80s Sweden, which is just as good as it sounds. He's a bigshot now with an Amazon show and you should look at his work.

Johan Egerkrans
Johan Egerkrans writes and illustrates books which are real nice. Among his work is accurate and modern cartoon-style dinosaur and other prehistoric life.

Gregory S. Paul
Greg Paul is probably the most influential palaeoartist of all time. His work influenced Jurassic Park, and just about anyone depicts dinosaurs today. His website is old and doesn't show his work, but I can recommend his books, which you can buy most places. His book "Predatory Dinosaurs of the World" from 1988 is prescient classic, and his more recent work "The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs" is great too.

Douglas Henderson
Doug Henderson is in my opinion the greatest artist to produce palaeoart, and a big influence on me.
He also has a Patreon which you should consider supporting. The man should be living in a solid gold house.

Slow Tourismo
Slow Tourismo is a band comprising my brothers and a guy named Lou. You can find them on most streaming services( Spotify, Apple Music ) and they have some great music videos on YouTube.

Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs
A blog about the cultural aspects of Mesozoic life with many illustrious contributors – great stuff on the history of palaeoart here.

Emiliano Troco
Traditionally produced palaeort, traditional style... not at all ordinary. I don't know what Emiliano is on, but I want some.